Filming Locations
We chose this location as it fits in with the theory that bad things happen in bad places, also its dark with no street lamps and this adds to the scary creepy atmosphere. It was also raining when we filmed and the bad weather worked perfectly for our horror film as it is conventional for horror film openings. The alleyway is also plays up to the assumptions of people thinking that they do not like to walk down them because they are scary.
Buttermilk Lane (Google Maps)
We chose this location as it a distance from the main road and there was no street lights which made the location seem even more isolated. The red circle on the map shows where we filmed.
Buttermilk Lane
Due to the curve in the road it is hard to see spot where we were filming. This made the location perfect as we needed it to be near a road but hidden so that no one would know what was happening. When it begins to get dark, it becomes hard to see much where we are filming. This became a great place to film as it was dark and raining, this followed the horror theory of bad things happen in bad weather.
Page by Kirsty, Dan and Hannah (Including 'Indoor Scenes')
Indoor scenes
Drama Studio
For the scenes where the girls are seen getting ready we needed somewhere that we could ultimately create our own 'vision'. We therefore decided to film the scenes in the Drama Studio because we were able to control the how the lighting behaved, how bright it was and the effect it created. The drama studio also has black walls which look slightly run down which made it easier to, firstly, make the audience focus on the girls and, secondly, make it seem that they were living in a run down bad place. A theory by Clover; bad things happen in bad places.