Original Idea for final OTS
SHOT 1 -
Shot of Sam's foot on the floor.
SHOT 2 -
An over the shoulder shot of Sam waiting for the car on the side of the road, she then turns around to face the camera chewing gum.
SHOT 3 -
A long shot of Hannah walking towards the camera.
SHOT 4 -
Sam leaning over the car talking to somebody, mid shot.
SHOT 5 -
A close up of Sams hand on the car door handle.
SHOT 6 -
A long shot of Hannah opening the car door and getting into the car.
SHOT 7 -
a mid shot of Man in car covering Sam's face
SHOT 8 -
Close up of Sam in the boot tied up
SHOT 9 -
Long shot of Cars on the motorway
SHOT 10 -
repeated shot of Sam in the boot
SHOT 11 -
repeated shot of cars on the motorway
SHOT 12 -
mid shot of car driving off
SHOT 13 -
close up of sams hand covered in blood on rear windscreen
SHOT 14 -
mid shot of Sam lead on ground coughing up blood
SHOT 15 -
Long shot of car driving off
SHOT 16 -
close up of Sam's face as zombie
Shot of Sam's foot on the floor.
SHOT 2 -
An over the shoulder shot of Sam waiting for the car on the side of the road, she then turns around to face the camera chewing gum.
SHOT 3 -
A long shot of Hannah walking towards the camera.
SHOT 4 -
Sam leaning over the car talking to somebody, mid shot.
SHOT 5 -
A close up of Sams hand on the car door handle.
SHOT 6 -
A long shot of Hannah opening the car door and getting into the car.
SHOT 7 -
a mid shot of Man in car covering Sam's face
SHOT 8 -
Close up of Sam in the boot tied up
SHOT 9 -
Long shot of Cars on the motorway
SHOT 10 -
repeated shot of Sam in the boot
SHOT 11 -
repeated shot of cars on the motorway
SHOT 12 -
mid shot of car driving off
SHOT 13 -
close up of sams hand covered in blood on rear windscreen
SHOT 14 -
mid shot of Sam lead on ground coughing up blood
SHOT 15 -
Long shot of car driving off
SHOT 16 -
close up of Sam's face as zombie
Section above by Hannah
This is our story board that consists mainly of close up shots which we used to create atmosphere.
Photos by Kirsty